HAppy Halloween
Halloween Dress up
Advertisement for Use of School Premises on a Licensed Basis for the Provision of Before and Afterschool Services/Afterschool Services
The Board of Management of Murroe National School, subject to the agreement of the Patron and Trustees, intends making part of the school premises available for the provision of before and afterschool /afterschool services by an independent, external, third party operator. The successful applicant will be granted a licence to use a section of the school premises for specified days and times for a period of one school year and shall be responsible for the independent operation of the facility and the employment of all staff in the facility. The arrangement will be subject to a number of terms and conditions. Interested parties should in the first instance submit a written expression of interest, made by post and addressed to the Chairperson of the Board of Management of Murroe National School, Liscreagh, Murroe, Co. Limerick no later than 4 pm on 06/11/2024. Further information will issue to all parties that submit an expression of interest. If any interested party has an objection to the proposal to make the school premises available to an independent, external, third party before and after school operator, such objections should be (i) made in writing; (ii) sent by post addressed to the Trustees of Murroe National School, C/O Chairperson of the Board of Management of Murroe National School Liscreagh, Murroe, Co. Limerick ; and (iii) reach the school by 06/11/2024. Any such submissions must be made on objective grounds
Boat in a bottle
Our theme in 5th Class this month is Under the Sea and the children constructed a boat in a bottle for Art. They are delighted with how they turned out
Cuddle Up and Read in Junior Infants
Maths Week 3rd and 4th Class
Our Maths Doors #Maths Week
Cuddle Up and Read 11th of October 2024
Senior Infants had a fabulous morning with their parent(s), grandparent(s) and aunties in class this morning. We got to listen to the Big Book of the Month ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’. We also sang our autumn songs that we learned in class.