Children in Fifth Class researched and completed projects about countries in Europe. Children presented projects to the class and were all involved in assessing their peers.
Junior Infants- Designing a Playground with 3D Shapes
Junior Infants World Book Day
Engineer’s Week: Lego STEM Task
Children in Fifth Class were given the task to design and make a dog kennel using Lego. This was an extension lesson from Monday’s Zoom with Microsoft.
Chess Wellness Hour Sixth Class
Buddy Reading
Children in each class had an opportunity to read with other classes.
Hogwarts came to Scoil Mhuire Today
World Book Day 2022
Children in Fifth Class dressed up as different characters from books.
Engineer’s Week
Sixth class taking part in engineering week.
IPADS: Maths
Photos of 3rd class on laptops and ipads practising Maths games.