Physical Activity

We have a designated Active School Flag Walkway around our school. The Active School Flag Student Committee helped to plan and map out the Walkway route around our school. We like to use our Walkway throughout the school week. We integrate our Walkway with other curricular areas.

Keeping Active to and from school

The children in Scoil Mhuire Murroe love to walk or cycle to school. The children also use their scooters to travel to school.

Active Break Everyday

We enjoy our Active Breaks everyday. The classes in Scoil Mhuire Murroe have been doing lots of different activity breaks during the year. These activity Breaks are both indoors and outdoors. The Active Breaks are a great way of getting our 60 minutes of exercise. We really enjoy learning yard games and exercise with our Playground leaders, the Active Break a day timetabled activities, pur P.E. homework and much more.

Pump up the Volume

P.E. Homework

Timetabled Active Breaks

In Class Active Breaks- Dance

Playground Leaders

Active Breaks

Feel Good Fridays- Skipping Challenge

Keeping Active in our Clubs

Santa Dash

Run Around Ireland Challenge

Feel Good Friday

The Active Schools Flag event today was Pump up the Volume. The children had a fantastic time dancing and jumping around to music on yard today. The children in our school love taking part in the Feel Good Friday events.

Physical Education

PE Timetable
We love PE here in Scoil Mhuire Murroe. We ensure that all children get 60 minutes of physical exercise each and every week. Take a look at our PE Timetable.
We also include Active Breaks throughout the day.

Move Well, Move Often

Our teachers are dedicated to teach the Fundamental Movement Skills throughout the school year. This year, our focus was on Games and Striking with an implement.

PAWS Water Safety Programme

Our School will complete the PAWs Water Safety Programme in May. They will learn safety tips linked to the following topics: baths, paddling pools, emergency services, beaches, calling for help and life jackets. The children will complete online interactive lessons both in school and at home with their parents.

P.E. Resources, Facilities and Store Room

We are so lucky to have fantastic P.E. resources and equipment in our school. It is stored safely and labelled clearly in our store room. We are lucky with the wonderful facilities in our school also.

P.E. Timetable

We are ensuring that all students are getting at least 60 minutes of timetabled P.E. every week.

P.E. Curriculum

As part of Active School Flag the staff at Scoil Mhuire Murroe have enjoyed reviewing our P.E. curriculum. We have ensured that all students in our school get at least 60 minutes of timetabled P.E. each week. We have also ensured that all five strands are taught at each class level every year. We are teaching the P.E. curriculum in collaboration with the PSSI and PDST lesson plans and resources. P.E. has always been considered a vital subject in our school. We communicate the children’s P.E. progress at parent teacher meetings and in our Annual School Reports. See below a Whole School Plan including the strands and fundamental movement skills to be covered each month.

Teacher Training

Our teachers have completed numerous courses to further develop their ability to develop the P.E. curriculum. Some of our teachers will be attending a training day in the Athlone Education Centre next month. The training day will focus on integrating Games and Wellness into Physical Activity during the school day. The P.E. strand that we are focusing on this year is Games and Striking with an implement.





Outdoor and Adventure

Primary School