September News

12th September 2016

Dear Parents

Welcome back to all our pupils and a Céad Míle Fáilte to all our new pupils.

Supervision of Pupils

Careful supervision of the pupils is undertaken by the teachers at all times during the school day. The measure of duty placed on the teacher is “to take such care of his/her pupils as a careful parent would of his/her children” (in loco parentis). The school will open to receive pupils at 9:20. Supervision begins at 9:00. Pupils should be punctual and ready to line up at 9:20 when the school bell rings. Classes end for infants at 2:00p.m and for all other classes at 3:00p.m unless otherwise advised. Parents who wish to have their children collected or escorted home should make their own arrangements and the person to escort them should be at the school not later than the official closing time/advised time, as the school cannot accept responsibility for looking after the children after that time. Children participating in after school activities will be notified of finishing times by their teachers.


It is very important for your child to be in school every day that the school is open. 

♦ Pupils should attend school regularly unless prevented from doing so by illness or other exceptional circumstances.  

♦ In the event of a Late Arrival for school after the start time of 9.20 or a requirement for Permission to Leave before the end of the school day for reasons which include attendance at medical appointments or other necessary reasons, parents are requested to sign for this in a Register Book which will be available in the office.

♦ Pupils should present to their teacher, a written explanation in the journal, dated and signed by a parent/guardian following any absence from school. In the case of Infants who have not yet started using a journal, parents are requested to complete an Explanation for Absence form. This will be kept on file until year-end.  

♦ It is recommended that holidays be confined to the official vacation periods. Parents who intend taking their children on holidays during the school year, outside of official vacation periods, must inform the principal in writing of their intentions in advance.

Healthy Eating Policy

We have a healthy eating policy at school. We ask you to support our policy by ensuring that your child has a healthy lunch each day. We ask you not to give your child sweets and chocolate for school.  

Important Safety Notice:Parents are requested to note that peanuts or any type of nut are not permitted due to the risk of allergic reaction and also the risk of choking

Code of Behaviour

Please read with your child the Code of Behaviour on the front and back cover of your child’s journal and then together with your child sign the Code.  

Homework routine

Your child can develop good homework habits by setting aside the same time to do homework each day and also doing homework in the same place. Homework should be done early in the evening. Children should remain at their homework until it is completed and then it should be placed back in the school bag ready for the next day. Sometimes it takes children longer to do their homework when they go into a new class but as your child develops a routine the quicker and easier it becomes for the child and for everyone at home.  

Respect for the school building

We ask you to remind your child to treat the school with the same respect that they would treat their own homes. Also, pupils are to leave the school by the main school gate only. Pupils are not allowed to mount the walls or railings in the school.  

Road Safety

Please remind your child of the importance of road safety and of looking up and down before they cross the road. For children who travel to school by bus remind your child to sit down on the bus, to belt up and to remain seated for the journey. Be very careful to wait until the bus has left before crossing the road again remembering to look up and down.

School uniform

In order to avoid confusion with the school uniform you are asked to label all items of your child’s uniform.  

New Staff

Also, we welcome to our staff our part-time Special Needs Assistant, Phyl Hegarty.

Start of Year Mass

This mass will take place in the church on Friday September 23rd at 11.45am. All are welcome to attend.

 Le gach dea ghuí,

Marie Griffin (Principal).

School Dates 2016/7

School re-opens on Thursday, September 1st.

October 2016 mid-term break

31st October – 4th November 2016

Christmas 2016

School will close on December 22nd 2016 and re-open on January 9th.

February 2017 mid-term break

Thursday & Friday 23rd & 24th February

Easter 2017

School will close on Friday 7th April and re-open on Monday 24th April 2017 unless changes are required as part of contingency arrangements to make up for time lost due to unforeseen school closures.

Last updated: 1/9/2016

Start of School Year

School re-opens for all on Thursday 1st September at 9.20am

Junior Infants will finish at 12.30pm on Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd and 2pm thereafter

Senior Infants finish at 2pm

All other classes 1st-6th will finish at 3pm

Primary School