School News 20/09/17

Sacrament of Confirmation

We have been notified that the sacrament of Confirmation for pupils of Fifth & Sixth class will take place on Thursday February 22nd 2018 at 11.00am.

Sacrament of First Holy Communion

The date for the sacrament of First Holy Communion for pupils of Second class will be Saturday May 12th 2018 at 11.00am.

Start of Year Mass – change of date

Please note the change to the date of this mass. It will now take place on Thursday October 5th at 11.45am in the church. All are welcome to attend.

Swimming lessons Third to Sixth Class

Swimming lessons for pupils from Third, Fourth & Fifth will commence on October 6th and run for four weeks. Lessons for Sixth class will commence on November 10th and will also run for four weeks. The cost for the hire of the bus, the hire of the pool and the payment of the swimming instructors will be €30 per child for the four lessons. We are asking parents to pay this amount at the start of the lessons.

Junior Infants in Limerick Leader

The photograph of our Junior Infant class is due to appear in the supplement of the Limerick Leader on Thursday September 28th. We look forward with great anticipation!

Le gach dea ghuí,Marie Griffin (Principal)

School News 14/09/17

Health and Safety

We are currently reviewing our Health & Safety policy. If your child has a medical condition of which the school needs to be made aware, please inform us as soon as possible. Parents have advised us of medical conditions on enrolment. However, if there is any change in your child’s medical condition or if a condition has recently been diagnosed, the school needs to be made aware of this.  

Access Control System

In the event of a Late Arrival for school parents will be required to bring their child to the main front door, ring for access and sign their child in.  


Ms Patricia Griffin will train the children for cross-country athletics every Monday from 18th September to 23rd October from 3.00- 3.40. Next Monday 18th September the photographer will be in the school to take photos and children will be in full uniform. Children can bring in a bag their running gear and runners for training and will be given time to change into this gear at 3.00pm. Children will participate in a competition on Wednesday 25th October. More details of the competition will follow at a later date. Please ensure that your child is collected on time after the training.

Gaelic Football for Boys

There will be Gaelic football training with Mr Nick O’Brien in Harty Park on Thursday 21st September from 3.10-3.55 p.m. Boys from 4th, 5th and 6th classes may attend. Each boy should have Gaelic football gear, football boots, a gum-shield and a drink of water. Please sign and return the permission slip if you would like your child to attend.

Gaelic Football for Girls

Gaelic football training for girls from 3rd class to 6th class will begin on Thursday the 21st of September. Mr. Dónal Neville will take the girls for training after school. All girls will get changed into their gear in school and can then make their way down to the pitch. Training will begin at 3.10 and will finish at 3.55 at which time the girls can be collected from the pitch. Please sign and return the permission slip if you would like your child to attend.

Please note all girls must have appropriate training gear- boots, gum shield, socks, jersey/t-shirt, shorts/ tracksuit pants. This is most important as ground conditions deteriorate over the coming weeks.

Lost and Found

Many items of uniform remain unclaimed since the last school year. Please check if you are missing any item as any unclaimed items will be disposed of by the end of September.  

Le gach dea ghuí,

Marie Griffin (Principal)

School News 07/09/17

Welcome back to all our pupils and a Céad Míle Fáilte to all our new pupils.

Staff: We welcome to our staff our new teachers, Niamh Hannon, Antoinette Gleeson, Karen Maher and Dónal Neville. We thank Colm Ó hAnluain for his work in our school for the past two years. Colm has left to take up a position in Birr, Co. Offaly.  

Supervision of Pupils: N.B. Careful supervision of the pupils is undertaken by the teachers and SNAs at all times during the school day. The measure of duty placed on the teacher is “to take such care of his/her pupils as a careful parent would of his/her children” (in loco parentis). The school will open to receive pupils at 9:20. Supervision begins at 9:00. Pupils should be punctual and ready to line up at 9:20 when the school bell rings. Classes end for infants at 2:00p.m and for all other classes at 3:00p.m unless otherwise advised. Parents who wish to have their children collected or escorted home should make their own arrangements and the person to escort them should be at the school not later than the official closing time/advised time, as the school cannot accept responsibility for looking after the children after that time. Children participating in after school activities will be notified of finishing times by their teachers.

Contact number: Please ensure that we have an up to date contact number and your email address.  

School security: Our new access control system is in place. To gain entry to the school please ring the bell located at the main front door.  

Attendance: It is very important for your child to be in school every day that the school is open.  

♦ Pupils should attend school regularly unless prevented from doing so by illness or other exceptional circumstances.  

♦ In the event of a Late Arrival for school after the start time of 9.20 or a requirement for Permission to Leave before the end of the school day for reasons which include attendance at medical appointments or other necessary reasons, parents are requested to sign for this.

♦ Pupils should present to their teacher, a written explanation in the journal, dated and signed by a parent/guardian following any absence from school. In the case of Infants who have not yet started using a journal, parents are requested to complete an Explanation for Absence form. This will be kept on file until year-end.  

♦ It is recommended that holidays be confined to the official vacation periods. Parents who intend taking their children on holidays during the school year, outside of official vacation periods, must inform the principal in writing of their intentions in advance.

Healthy Eating Policy: We have a healthy eating policy at school. We ask you to support our policy by ensuring that your child has a healthy lunch each day. We ask you not to give your child sweets and chocolate for school. Crisps and fizzy drinks are not permitted. Chewing gum is forbidden.  

Head lice: Now that we are back at school please remember to check hair regularly and treat if necessary.  

Important Safety Notice: Parents are requested to note that peanuts or any type of nut are not permitted due to the risk of allergic reaction and also the risk of choking.

Code of Behaviour: Please read with your child the Code of Behaviour on the front and back cover of your child’s journal and then together with your child sign the Code.  

Homework routine: Your child can develop good homework habits by setting aside the same time to do homework each day and also doing homework in the same place. Homework should be done early in the evening. Children should remain at their homework until it is completed and then it should be placed back in the school bag ready for the next day. Sometimes it takes children longer to do their homework when they go into a new class but as your child develops a routine the quicker and easier it becomes for the child and for everyone at home.  

Respect for the school building: We ask you to remind your child to treat the school with the same respect that they would treat their own homes. Also, pupils are to leave the school by the main school gate only. Pupils are not permitted to mount the walls or railings in the school.  

Road Safety: Please remind your child of the importance of road safety and of looking up and down before they cross the road. For children who travel to school by bus remind your child to sit down on the bus, to belt up and to remain seated for the journey. Be very careful to wait until the bus has left before crossing the road again remembering to look up and down.

School uniform: In order to avoid confusion with the school uniform you are asked to label all items of your child’s uniform.  

Start of Year Mass: This mass will take place in the church on Thursday September 28th at 11.45am. All are welcome to attend.

Le gach dea ghuí,
Marie Griffin (Principal).

3rd and 4th Class School Tour

On 2nd June, 3rd and 4th class went on their school tour to University of Limerick. They took part in a day of activities such as games, orienteering, swimming, canoeing and rafting. The weather was great and fun was had by all. 

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5th and 6th Class School Tour

On Monday 19th June, 5th and 6th Class had their school tour outing to Ballyhass Lakes Activity Centre, Mallow, Co. Cork.

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School News 21st June 2017

Classes 2017-2018

Junior Infants Niamh Hannon Kett (new appointment)

Senior Infants Karen Maher (new appointment)

First Class Noirín Harnett

Second Class Elizabeth O’Connor

Third & Fourth Class Nicholas O’Brien

Fourth & Fifth Class Antoinette Gleeson (new appointment)

Sixth Class Dónal Neville (new appointment)

Special education teachers Mary Butler, Deirdre Walters, Patricia Griffin & Colm Ó hAnluain.

Active School Week: Ultimate Frisbee and IT Kidz – the children enjoyed Frisbee and computer activities today.

Fun day: There will be a fun day for the whole school on Friday, June 23rd

Parents’ Council: Thank you to our Parents’ Council for their support throughout the year.

Board of Management Report: Access control system will be installed on external doors of school. There will be an upgrade of our CCTV system. A review of Anti-Bullying policy was undertaken.

End of Year and Farewell to Sixth Class Mass: This will take place in the church on Tuesday, June 27th at 10.00a.m. You are all very welcome to join us at this mass. The Sixth class pupils have now completed their primary school education with us and we wish them every success and happiness in the years ahead.

Secondhand books: History Quest Third-Sixth and Small World Geography & Science Third-Sixth are required. If you have these books and would like to donate to the school or sell secondhand please inform your child’s class teacher by tomorrow. Please note books must be in saleable condition.

School Calendar 2017-2018: (Please click on link to view School Calendar on the Downloads page). 

Uniform: School uniform is available from Fennessy’s. Boys: Navy crested jumper, navy trousers, white shirt, navy and silver striped tie. Girls: Navy crested jumper/cardigan, navy pinafore/skirt, white blouse and navy and silver striped tie. Trousers for girls are permitted (in cold winter months). Navy school shorts (if required) for fine weather. Uniform is worn on three days and school tracksuit on P.E./swimming days. Only the Scoil Mhuire Murroe tracksuit top and matching tracksuit bottoms, please.

After school camogie coaching: We would like to express our thanks to Anne O’Connor for her help with coaching our school teams.

School library books & jerseys: Please ensure that all school library books and jerseys are returned by Monday, June 26th.

School books: You are requested to ensure that all books are purchased and labelled on the outside before returning to school on Wednesday August 30th. Many of the books on the book lists are available secondhand. This is a useful way to recycle books and to offset some of the cost of the books.

Classes will end at 12:00 on Tuesday, June 27th. School re-opens Wednesday, August 30th.

I wish to thank all the staff for their hard work this year. Donagh McCarthy is leaving us and I would like to thank Donagh for all his work for the past nine years in our school and to wish him every success in the future. I would like to thank all the parents for their support and co-operation throughout the past year and wish you and your families a very enjoyable summer. We look forward to seeing the children back safe and sound on Wednesday, August 30th.

Slán agus go raibh maith agaibh go léir,

Marie Griffin (Principal)


First and Second Class School Tour

The children of First and Second Class had a most enjoyable School Tour on Friday 2nd June to Shannon Leisure Centre followed by a visit to Limerick County Library in Dooradoyle.

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Primary School