Category Archives: STEM

Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths related posts

Stem Power Hour in Third Class

Children in third class took part in a ‘STEM Power Hour’. Children worked in groups with the Bee-Bots and the Lego WeDo sets. This session was an introduction to control technology and programming using robotics. Children developed communication, collaboration and team-building skills. The session was greatly enjoyed by all!

Working as Scientists

Children in fourth and fifth class completed an experiment investigating the density of water. Children changed the density of water four times and presented the different levels of density using food colouring. Children worked together as scientists to explore and decide on the best method of carrying out the experiment. Children planned, problem-solved, collaborated and communicated on their method of carrying out the experiment. Mistakes were encouraged and children used these mistakes to learn from the experience. Children were engaged and motivated in the learning taking place. They greatly enjoyed working as scientists!

STEM Power Hour!

Children in fourth and fifth class participated in a ‘STEM Power Hour’. Children worked in groups and had opportunities to work with Bee-Bots and Lego We-Do Sets. Children programmed the Bee-Bots and the Lego We-Dos. Children enjoyed the work of ‘STEM Power Hour’.

Bee-Bot Robots

Children began to explore the Bee-Bot robots. Children programmed the robots to follow sequences. Children created their own sequences and programmed the robots to follow these sequences. Children had great fun! We look forward to seeing the Bee-Bots move around to all of the classes!

Thanks again to the Parents’ Council who purchased them for the school!

Does it Float or Sink?

Children in Junior Infants investigated different items in the classroom to see whether they float or sink in water. The children chose items around them every day in their immediate school environment. All of the boys and girls enjoyed the lesson.

Sophia Physics Workshops

Today, the Department of Physics and the Science Learning Centre in University of Limerick visited our school and provided workshops to fourth/fifth class and fifth/sixth class. The workshop aims to encourage students to take physics as a subject in secondary school and to encourage positive perceptions of physics from an early age. They facilitators did some fun activities to demonstrate physics in our own lives. Thank you to GrĂ¡inne Walsh and the two undergraduate students who facilitated the workshops. The students enjoyed the workshops and definitely have a positive perception of physics going forward!