Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths related posts
This week for Science Week 2023 we learned about Biodiversity. Monday we learned about habitats, Tuesday we did a habitat audit in our school yard, Wednesday we made Bird feeders, Thursday we made a Bug Hotel and Friday we planted wild flowers to help the bees.
We sorted autumn leaves and seeds and recorded our results on bar charts.
Well done to the boys and girls in Fifth and Sixth Class who organised a Bake Sale to collect money which was donated to the children’s hospitals in Dublin. It was an amazing achievement. All the boys and girls enjoyed being involved in this fantastic fundraiser. We would like to thank the cooperation of parents in this worthy cause. We are very proud of the boys and girls and their fantastic efforts.
Well done to Alex and Cillian who represented Fifth Class and Murroe NS at the Regional Competition at the headquarters of Analog in Dooradoyle. They reached the semi-finals which was a fantastic achievement. We are very proud of you.
Children in Fifth Class participated in a Lego We Do workshop hosted by Analog in Limerick. They children enjoyed this workshop greatly. Children had an opportunity to build and code.