Junior Infants were busy making love bugs for Valentine’s Day!
Category Archives: News
Our First Chess Tournament
Children in 4th, 5th and 6th class participated in a chess tournament today which took place in Scoil Dean Cussen in Bruff. This is the first time the school participated in a chess competition. Nineteen schools from across Limerick took part in the competition. The boys and girls had a fantastic day and it was a wonderful experience! Murroe N.S. received a plaque for their efforts! Well done to all of the boys and girls!
Stem Power Hour
Fifth and Sixth Class participated in a ‘STEM Power Hour’. Children had an opportunity to work with the Bee-Bots and the Lego WeDo Sets.
An Gorta Mór
Fourth and Fifth Classes Clay Interpretation of Life in Ireland during the Famine .
What Egg is the Bounciest?
Children in First Class carried out an experiment to test which egg is bounciest using water and vinegar.
Valentine’s Art in First Class
Solar Dyeing in 2nd Class
Dyeing sheep’s wool with food colouring and vinegar.
STEM Power Hour
Children in 2nd class participated in a ‘STEM Power Hour’. The boys and girls worked in groups with the Bee-Bots, Lego WeDo Sets and Lego pieces. The boys and girls had a fantastic time!
Our Colourful Pencil Holders
Senior Infants were busy making their own colourful Pencil Holders in Aistear!
All-Ireland Winner!
Well done to Peter Ashe who won a silver medal in the Cross Country All Ireland Finals on Saturday in Wicklow. Peter was a member of the Newport team that participated in the relay event. Fantastic achievement Peter and we are very proud of you!