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Category Archives: News
Newly invested beavers first class
St. Brigids Day
Biodiversity An Post Handwriting Competition
Senior Infants wrote letters to Sustainable Sebby. They explained what they learned about biodiversity in school. They also told him about the things they did in school to help biodiversity in our school.
Biodiversity: winter trees
Biodiversity: Spring Flowers
Biodiversity: Spring Cherry Blossom Trees
Biodiversity: The Snail
We learned about the parts of the snail. We went on a Snail Hunt in our school. We drew the snails we observed. We created Our Snail Books and displayed them in class.
Biodiversity: caring for our environment
We discussed the importance of caring for our environment and thought of ways to help birds and insects in our school environment. First we went on a sound walk to determine what birds and insect are in our school environment. We then made a bug hotel, bird feeders and planted a wild flower garden to help the creatures during the cold winter months.
Biodiversity: The work of the farmer in autumn
We learned about the work of the farmer in autumn. We explored ploughing, harvesting and picking apples in autumn.