Category Archives: News


Here at Scoil Mhuire Murroe we are so lucky to have so many people helping us to learn new and exciting movement skills.

Facilities in our Village

We are very lucky to have amazing facilities on our doorstep. We use the new Murroe Sports Centre regularly. We are very thankful to have access to the amazing all weather astro turf pitch in the centre and local pitches to teach our P.E. lessons. We also use the walking/running track. The playground is a great facility also. We use the local Murroe woods for nature walks.

The Scoil Mhuire Murroe Camogie Team

Scoil Mhuire Murroe Hurling team

The Scoil Mhuire Murroe Camogie team played the East Limerick Indoor Camogie in Caherconlish on Tuesday 14th February 2023. Well done girls.

Active School Flag Questionnaires