Category Archives: News
Food Dudes Senior Infants
We tasted oranges and peppers today in class.
food dudes sixth class
Day one of Food Dudes got off to a great start, with the children enjoying apples and tomatoes.
Engineer’s Week
This week we are celebrating Engineer’s Week and children in Fifth Class had an opportunity to watch a video on Engineering and Sport which was provided by STEPS Ireland.
Food Dudes 3rd Class
Food dudes first and second class
Sixth class Local History projects
The children in sixth class produced some fantastic work for their research projects on Limerick City. They then used clay to reproduce the historical landmark that their project was based on.
Seachtain na gaeilge
Cuireadh tús iontach le seachtain na Gaeilge an tseachtain seo i rang a sé. Ghlac na páistí páirt i roinnt gníomhaíochtaí a rinne ceiliúradh ar an gcultúr Gaelach. Seo thíos roinnt grianghraf de na páistí ag baint taitneamh as Yoga as Gaeilge.