Category Archives: News

Active School Week: Feel Good Friday Table Tennis Takeover

Friday was our Table Tennis Takeove Challenge. As part of our Active Schools Week we had fun learning table tennis skills. Our focus strand in P.E. this term is Games and striking with an Implement. We had an opportunity to learn new striking with an implement skills on the day. We also had fantastic fun and competition during the teachers vrs students matches.

Munster Rugby Coach Evan Cusack

Evan Cusack taught the 5th and 6th class students rugby skills on the Friday of Active Schools Week also.

Fifth and Sixth Class Bake Sale

Well done to the boys and girls in Fifth and Sixth Class who organised a Bake Sale to collect money which was donated to the children’s hospitals in Dublin. It was an amazing achievement. All the boys and girls enjoyed being involved in this fantastic fundraiser. We would like to thank the cooperation of parents in this worthy cause. We are very proud of the boys and girls and their fantastic efforts.