Congratulations to Alex on coming second in the 11-13 year old category of the Mulcair credit union art competition. We are very proud of you Alex🙌
Category Archives: News
Murroe FC soccer star of the week 1st Class

Mulcair credit union art competion winner and runners-up

3rd/4th class ARt

Student Council
Student Council 2023-2024
3rd class: Alex Healy & Clara Newsom
4thclass: Ruby Clancy & Joshua Potter
5th class: Scott O’Keeffe & Lexi Ryan
6th class: Amira Slattery, Hailee Guerin, Max Stumbras & Mikey Bubula

Biodiversity: Senior Infants planted a wild flower garden for the bees.

3rd/4th xmas art
Winter Art in Senior Infants

Biodiversity: Science Week 2023 in Senior Infants
This week for Science Week 2023 we learned about Biodiversity. Monday we learned about habitats, Tuesday we did a habitat audit in our school yard, Wednesday we made Bird feeders, Thursday we made a Bug Hotel and Friday we planted wild flowers to help the bees.

Halloween Dress Up in Junior Infants
There was princesses, witches, Spidermen, two Hulks , one Wednesday Adams and one Woody in Junior infants for Halloween dress up day!