Category Archives: News
Biodiversity: Spring Flowers
Biodiversity: Spring Cherry Blossom Trees
Biodiversity: The Snail
We learned about the parts of the snail. We went on a Snail Hunt in our school. We drew the snails we observed. We created Our Snail Books and displayed them in class.
Biodiversity: caring for our environment
We discussed the importance of caring for our environment and thought of ways to help birds and insects in our school environment. First we went on a sound walk to determine what birds and insect are in our school environment. We then made a bug hotel, bird feeders and planted a wild flower garden to help the creatures during the cold winter months.
Biodiversity: The work of the farmer in autumn
We learned about the work of the farmer in autumn. We explored ploughing, harvesting and picking apples in autumn.
Biodiversity: Autumn leaves and Trees.
Senior Infants did a autumn tree and autumn leaves walk around our school. We recorded our results on bar charts during our Maths lesson.
Biodiversity: Bats
Valentine’s day -clay heart bowls first class
sixth class show-and-tell
the children enjoyed sharing some of their favourite possessions with their classmates.