Well done to the boys and girls in Junior Infants and Senior Infants who performed ‘Mary’s Knitting’ today.
All posts by Patricia Griffin
Intel Mini Scientist Regional Competition
Well done to the boys and girls who represented our school in the Intel Regional Competition in Shannon today. It was a fantastic day out for the boys and girls. They really enjoyed the day out.
Junior Entrepreneur
We are now into week five of the programme. The boys and girls in fifth class have learned about famous Irish Entrepreneurs, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, identified personal strengths, identified peers’ strengths and much more. They have also had an opportunity to develop research skills using laptops and tablets. This week, the boys and girls are beginning to think about potential products that could be developed for future selling.
Christmas Play Aladdin
Boys and girls from Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First Class, Second Class and Third Class attended a performance of Aladdin in our school. The children enjoyed the performance greatly. It was a fantastic day.
Medals in Gymnastics
Well done to Aimee and Madison in Third Class who won medals at a gymnastics competition in UL at the weekend. Well done girls!
Architects at Work!
Madison and Callum were busy building a structure using blocks. Fantastic work!
Time to Speak!
Well done to our three school committees- Active School, Green School and School Council who spoke to the all of the classes at assembly about the different initiatives we are running in the school! They are doing fantastic work!
Gymnastic Glory
Well done to Emer McElligott in Senior Infants who won a medal for gymnastics! Great work!
Aistear in Senior Infants
Children in Senior Infants had great fun learning all about Antarctica this month in Aistear!
Junior Entrepreneur Programme
Fifth class are busy preparing for the Junior Entrepreneur Programme. We are into week 3 and the children are working very well learning about what is needed to be a successful entrepreneur. Do we have some entrepreneurs among us?!