Well done to all of the boys and girls and their teachers in the different classes who were busy completing Christmas art work over the past couple of weeks. Our school is looking very festive!
All posts by Patricia Griffin
Our Christmas Baubles
Senior Infants were busy making Christmas baubles to take home to put on their Christmas trees!
Thank you to the Parents Association!
A big thank you to Greg Ashe who presented Mrs. Griffin with STEM resources (Beebots and WeDo Lego) on behalf of the Parents Association today. The Parents Association collected funds by organising the creating and selling of Christmas cards in our school. A big thank you to all of the parents who contributed to this worthy cause. We look forward to investigating and exploring our new resources. Let the fun begin!
Medley of Songs
Well done to the boys and girls in Fifth and Sixth Class who performed a ‘Medley of Songs’ today.
Five Gold Rings
Well done to the boys and girls in Third Class who performed ‘Five Gold Rings’ today.
Fourth and Fifth Got Talent!
Well done to the boys and girls in fourth and fifth class who performed ‘Fourth and Fifth Got Talent’ today.
The Nativity
Well done to the boys and girls in First Class who performed ‘The Nativity’ today.
Eddie and his Brothers saves the World
Well done to the boys and girls in 2nd class who performed ‘Eddie and his Brothers saves the World’ today.
Mary’s Knitting
Well done to the boys and girls in Junior Infants and Senior Infants who performed ‘Mary’s Knitting’ today.
Intel Mini Scientist Regional Competition
Well done to the boys and girls who represented our school in the Intel Regional Competition in Shannon today. It was a fantastic day out for the boys and girls. They really enjoyed the day out.