Well done to Peter Ashe who won a silver medal in the Cross Country All Ireland Finals on Saturday in Wicklow. Peter was a member of the Newport team that participated in the relay event. Fantastic achievement Peter and we are very proud of you!
Well done to Peter Ashe who won a silver medal in the Cross Country All Ireland Finals on Saturday in Wicklow. Peter was a member of the Newport team that participated in the relay event. Fantastic achievement Peter and we are very proud of you!
Today, first class participated in a ‘STEM Power Hour’. Children worked in groups with the Bee-Bots and Lego. The children worked well and enjoyed the session!
Best of luck to our very own student Peter Ashe who will travel to Wicklow tomorrow to participate in the All Ireland Cross Country Finals. Peter is part of a team who will represent Newport A.C. This is a great achievement for Peter and we wish him the best of luck! We will be hoping to see a medal Monday!!!!
Well done to Peter, Tadhg, Denis and Cillian who participated in the Community Games County Finals last night in the Woodlands in Adare.
Well done to Sadhbh who won a trophy for dancing! Great job Sadhbh!
Children in 4th and 5th class went out into the school environment to estimate and measure the length, width and perimeter of four play areas. Children worked together in groups. This is a great example of a hands-on activity that was meaningful the children!
Senior Infants celebrated the Chinese New Year by making their own Paper Lanterns!
Children in third class took part in a ‘STEM Power Hour’. Children worked in groups with the Bee-Bots and the Lego WeDo sets. This session was an introduction to control technology and programming using robotics. Children developed communication, collaboration and team-building skills. The session was greatly enjoyed by all!
Children in fourth and fifth class completed an experiment investigating the density of water. Children changed the density of water four times and presented the different levels of density using food colouring. Children worked together as scientists to explore and decide on the best method of carrying out the experiment. Children planned, problem-solved, collaborated and communicated on their method of carrying out the experiment. Mistakes were encouraged and children used these mistakes to learn from the experience. Children were engaged and motivated in the learning taking place. They greatly enjoyed working as scientists!
Well done to Ruby in Senior Infants who won two medals for drawing and modelling in the Community Games! Fantastic achievement!