Activities for Older Classes

Here are a few ideas suitable for the children from Junior Infants to Second Class
Coding Ireland are offering all of its Scratch Projects for free for children to avail of during school closure. May be useful. A lesson to make a St. Patrick’s game is also available. Links for St. Patrick’s Game are:
Video with instructions: https://youtu.be/9BJ2-4Merl8
Webpage with step by step instructions: https://123code.org/y772
All their projects are now freely available at www.codingireland.ie
I know many households have plenty of Lego. There is an activity for 30 days that may interest you.
Design your own score sheet. Do an exercise for one minute. Record your score in the circle. Rest for one minute and choose another and then do another!
JEP students visited classrooms today to demonstrate how you play the game of ‘DECCKS’. They demonstrated each part of the game to students. Children enjoyed the demonstration.