Free access for six months of tutorials. Available at: https://homeschoolpiano.com/give-back/
Free access for six months of tutorials. Available at: https://homeschoolpiano.com/give-back/
Tutorials are available online. You can sign up for free at: https://try.fender.com/play/playthrough/
Would you like to see the animals being fed? Dublin Zoo are offering you a chance through the live cam. You can access them at: https://www.dublinzoo.ie/animals/animal-webcams/
This is a fantastic Maths activity. Please be careful to only give children match sticks and make sure parents collect them up afterwards. You can also use toothpicks. Similar puzzles available at: http://matchstickpuzzles.blogspot.com/
Chatterpack has compiled a list of a huge amount of resources that are available online for all areas. Please look at this as it is a comprehensive list. It is amazing! https://chatterpack.net/blogs/blog/resources-list-for-home-learning