How many questions can you answer in 30 seconds without using yes or no!
How many questions can you answer in 30 seconds without using yes or no!
Thank you to the KDYS Kerry Diocesan Youth Service for allowing these recipes to be shared.
From Monday 30 March, Parkrun will be setting daily parkrun-themed tasks for children of all ages and the whole family to try together. They will be covering five subjects:
Each morning they will set you a new challenge for the day on their YouTube channel.
This Padlet features learning resources for all areas of the curriculum and it was shared by a lecturer in Mary Immaculate College. May be worth a look. You can access the resources at: https://padlet.com/julieannebrown/8nzffqfezn2k
This is thanks to the ‘Irish Primary Teacher’ if you want to follow her on Facebook.
A great website to support the learning of Irish. Website is: https://www.schooldays.ie/articles/Primary-Irish-Resources?open&fbclid=IwAR3mwAHH_8HhS-Q91xJWDqB_3mf1UnWjPSCOzEKlp6I-QQVr-7If6dYJIdU
Information about the programme can be accessed at: https://www.rte.ie/sport/gaa/2020/0325/1126253-gaa-launches-primary-school-home-learning-project/