Second Class were very busy creating their colourful snakes using wool.
All posts by Patricia Griffin
Tree Weaving
4th Class completed their tree weaving projects.
4th Class Science Week 2020
We did lots of activities in 4th Class for Science Week.
- Bouncy egg experiment
- We made a lava lamp
- We blew up a balloon without using our mouths
- Dancing man experiment
- Rainbow milk experiment
- We made Oobleck
Christmas Jumpers
The boys and girls in Senior Infants and First Class were busy making Christmas Jumpers using lots of fabric and a variety of material. The boys and girls really enjoyed it! Lovely, festive jumpers were made!
GAA Skills With Peter Nash
The children in senior infants and first class enjoying GAA skills with Peter Nash today.
Working with Tablets
Senior infants and First class having fun on the tablets today. We played literacy and numeracy games in groups.
Countries Around the World
The boys and girls in Fifth Class researched and presented projects on different countries around the world. Well done to the boys and girls!
Winter Hats
The boys and girls of Ms. O Connor’s social group were busy threading ‘Winter Hats’ as part of their fabric and fibre art.
SFI Discover Science and Maths Award 2019/2020
Well done to all the boys and girls and their teachers who worked very hard last year to ensure our school received the ‘Badge of Excellence for STEM Awareness in the SFI Discover Science and Maths Awards’. We received our award yesterday. This Friday, three classes will have an opportunity to view the first interactive digital SFI Discover Science and Maths Awards Ceremony.
Science Week 2020: Colour Families
Second Class enjoyed doing the Colour Families experiment today!