Junior Infants had a great time hunting outside for minibeasts. They were able to identify many different minibeasts.
Junior Infants had a great time hunting outside for minibeasts. They were able to identify many different minibeasts.
Second Class remembered Mary during the month of May. They also drew very illustrative dogs and created beautiful colourful dream catchers! Second Class also conducted an experiment using bread which re-enforced the importance of keeping our hands washed and sanitised!
Each child created one A4 page of each of our collaborative colouring pages. We then connected all the pages together like a jigsaw to create giant pictures.
4th Class really enjoyed learning all about Italy. We learned about Italian food, Italian sports, Italian art and artists, Italian fashion brands, Italian cars, and all about Pompeii.
Junior Infants had great fun learning all about capacity in Maths. They enjoyed filling and emptying different jugs and containers. It was great to go outside in the sunshine for this lesson.
Intel mini scientist experiment two – Exploring static electricity and magnetism
Tree aging and tree measuring activities.
The Big Grow – Sixth class planting Potatoes and Wildflowers in the growing beds
Intel Mini Scientist Experiment One – Making a model of limbs to understand the internal workings of our muscles and skeleton