Children in Fifth Class focused on ‘Mé Féin’ in Irish this month. Children wrote a piece describing themselves and their families. Children can also speak about this topic in Irish.
Children in Fifth Class focused on ‘Mé Féin’ in Irish this month. Children wrote a piece describing themselves and their families. Children can also speak about this topic in Irish.
This month, children in Fifth Class are learning about a number of famous people who have overcome disability to succeed. Children were given the task to research other famous people who have overcame disability and succeeded. And this week, all of the children researched Michael J. Fox and completed a ‘Research Map’ which will help them to write a report on Michael J. Fox. Children worked together to complete this activity.
Children in Fifth Class explored the skills of form, colour and tone through Abstract Art. This is coined ‘Op Art’. Children learned about the works of Bridget Louise Riley, Maurits Cornelis Escher, Akiyoshi Kitaoka and Victor Vasarely.
Children in Fifth Class were practising and developing their throwing and hitting skills today. Children worked in groups of four and groups of two. Children enjoyed practising these skills through the game of tennis.
Each week, 5th class solve a Maths written problem together. Children identify the important information and work together to solve the problem. These problems really get the boys and girls thinking and there is lots of discussion and ideas on how to solve the problems.
Fifth class children visited the local astro pitch to participate in some games of soccer and hockey.
Fifth class made lion origami using paper.
Fifth Class designed, created and named their own star constellations.
Children in Fifth Class have begun to develop their ICT skills using laptops. They will participate in a programme each week.
In groups, children responded to the events of 9/11 using Lego.