First and second class are learning all about 2-D shapes and tessellation. They are getting ready for Christmas!
First and second class are learning all about 2-D shapes and tessellation. They are getting ready for Christmas!
Children in Fifth Class painted scenes of a snowy Christmas Scene.
Boys and girls painted a scene from the Nativity. Some pupils painted other scenes of Christmas.
1st and 2nd class are participating in the ‘Picker Pals’ programme. We are reducing and preventing waste in our school. We received story books, activity books, litter pickers, rubbish bags and gloves as part of the programme. The children are excited to participate.
Children in Fifth Class designed their own toys. Children presented their toy to the class mates.
Children in Fifth Class used fabric and fibre to design Christmas Jumpers.
Well done to the girls in Fifth Class who were part of the Tiny Little Histories Project. The girls were Lily Kinsella, Isabelle Slattery, Maja Klaric, Áine McElligott and Rachel McCormack. Chloe O Donnell Sharp, a past pupil of our school was also involved in the project. The girls have been working on a video project about the ‘Ilchester Oak in Glenstal’. Their project is one of five projects chosen to be part of the ‘Tiny Little Histories Initiative’ which aims to document little-known stories from the Mid-West and make them available as an online educational resource. This is the first year of the initiative. They have created a short stop-motion movie telling the story of the Ilchester Oak, using LEGO. They held a special screening of the film at Murroe Hall last week. Well done to the five girls in Fifth Class. We are very proud of you in Murroe N.S. We are sure to utilise this resource this year and in the years to come! Fantastic Achievement.
This week, children learned about Global Warming and Climate Action. Children identified and discussed ways in which they could make a change to help and improve the environment. Children also identified one goal and identified how this will make a difference to the future.
Children in Fifth Class visited the local Astro Pitch today. They had an opportunity to play hockey and soccer. The boys and girls enjoyed the visit!
Today, children in Senior Infants participated in lessons using a thematic approach. Integration of subjects included English, Science, Maths, Geography, Visual Art, Drama and Aistear. Children were highly engaged and enjoyed the lesson.
Children investigated what material of house (from the story ‘The Three Little Pigs) was the strongest. Children made houses using cocktail sticks and jelly (stick house), straws and elastic bands (straw house), and Lego (bricks). Children worked in pairs making the houses. Using a hairdryer (wolf), children explored if the houses were strong enough to remain standing.