Sixth class planted peas, radishes and salad leaves today in school. They also constructed a walk-in green house in the courtyard, putting their STEM skills into action.
Sixth class planted peas, radishes and salad leaves today in school. They also constructed a walk-in green house in the courtyard, putting their STEM skills into action.
Fifth Class drew self-portraits with a focus on their interests.
Well done to the boys and girls in each class who celebrated ‘Ireland Reads Initiative’ today by reading for at least ten minutes.
Good luck to the boys and girls in Fifth Class and Sixth Class making their Confirmation tomorrow Wednesday 23rd February 2022. Examples of some of the art displayed in the Church.
Children in Fifth class explored what ‘love’ means. Children identified words and phrases they associate with the word ‘love’.
Children in Fifth Class participated in a session of STEM Power Hour. Children worked in groups working with Lego, Beebots and Lego WeDos and Tablets.
Children in Fifth Class learned about Tangrams and Tessellations in Maths. Children used this knowledge to create pieces of art.
The boys were part of the Murroe team that won the Reale Family Cup.
Sixth class made miniature figures and props today in art. Using magic clay they used their imagination, or drew on inspiration from their English reading today, to make their creations. Great fun and learning was had by all.